Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Fruit kebabs

Fruit Kebabs made from fruit from Comenius countries on PhotoPeach

Sunday, 24 February 2013


Fair Trade Chocolate on PhotoPeach Recently, both Year 4 classes have been learning about Fairtrade and the importance of buying Fairtrade products. They realised that some cocoa farmers around the world had not been given a decent wage and that Fairtrade ensures that all farmers get paid for the hard work they do. A visitor from a Fairtrade Chocolate organisation came in to talk to the children, had them taste different Fairtrade chocolate products and then helped them make their own rice-krispy cakes, using Fairtrade chocolate. Year 4 are also looking forward to being visited by a cocoa farmer... we will tell you about that soon!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Nursery tasting Food and Vegetables from around the world

To help promote healthy eating, Nursery staff invited children and their parents to come in and taste some different fruits and vegetables from the different comenius countries. They had a wonderful time!

Year 1 Making Bread

Warburtons Bread is locally made in Bolton. Have a look at the Year 1 children having a go at making some of their own bread, with some help of a Warburton's employee.

Warburton Bakers! on PhotoPeach

Tasting some traditional Lancashire (English) foods

Year 1 sampling some Lancashire food on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 16 February 2013

The Green Classroom

Hello partners,

Today I've found this Bingo and I thought share it with you.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Our 'Travelling to and from School' Survey

Click here to take survey

Above is a link to our school's 'Travelling to and from school' survey.

You can use also www.surveymonkey.com to create your own quick survey, which your children, their parents and the staff can fill in.

They take minutes to make and you are able to analyse the results whenever you wish. Also, doing it online means you are saving paper! (You can't get more Eco-friendly than that!)