Sunday, 10 March 2013

Local producers of food - knockseagh NS

How to make Flapjacks -Knockskeagh NS

Please enjoy our video on how to make flapjacks!!

How to make Fairy cakes- Knockskeagh NS

Please enjoy our video on making Fairy cakes!!

Irish Local Food Products

Please enjoy our video of local Irish food products!!!

results of our survey (VS Pestalozzi)

Food and transportation of food

final report weather and precipitation

typical food of comenius project coutries

sportsday schoolyear 12/13

learning new sports is great fun

Week of health including sports

Pumpkin soup

Healthy food of the childrens countries

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Food and transport

Here are the three pages that we have created about food and transport.

Sport decalogue

Children of 5th grade have made a sport decalogue. We have worked on the importance of doing sport and outdoors activities.

We hope you like it!

Friday, 8 March 2013


Year 4's wonderful Skype session! Our Skype Session with Ireland! on PhotoPeach

Green Posters

Here you have the posters that our students have done.

They are very colourful and the most important thing, a "GREEN" meaning.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Food wastage at High Lawn School

Food wastage at High Lawn Primary School

Recipes from England

Recipes from England

Recipes from Catalonia

Childrem from Centcelles school have made some recipes dessert.

Three, four and five years old children have made Panellets, and ten years old children have made Garrapinyades almonds.

It's very easy to do and delicious. We hope you try to do it and like it!

Monday, 4 March 2013

How do you travel to school?

The students of last cycle answered the survey about "How do you travel to school"?

As we can see in the image, our students can go to school on foot. As you know, they live very near from the school, so they are lucky, they don't need the car or the bus.

The results are:

        - Walking: 28 students

        - By car: 2

        - Walking or by car: 6

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Seasonal food in Catalonia

Hello everyone!!

We 've been working on seasonal food and children have created some posters about the fruits and vegs they can find in each season here in Catalonia.
I hope you llike it.